Oproep aan Nederlandse modeontwerpers
De Nederlandse ambassade in Bangkok heeft op Facebook een oproep geplaatst aan Nederlandse modeontwerpers, die geïnteresseerd in het werken met Thaise zijde en mee willen doen aan The International Thai Silk Fashion Week in november.
De oproep is in het Engels – daar is ongetwijfeld een reden voor – en om misverstanden te voorkomen, hebben we de oproep niet vertaald. De oproep luidt:
“Are you a Dutch designer and are you interested in working with Thai silk? The Thai Tourist Foundation invites you to apply for the 9th celebration of silk project in Bangkok. During this week, international fashion designers get a chance to create their own collection of 12 pieces of Thai silk costumes to participate in the International Thai Silk Fashion Week. Please send your application before the 20th of June to [email protected].
More detailed information can be find below:
About the project
The Thai Tourism Assistance Foundation has organized the celebration of silk project to showcase e modern Thai silk and design since 2010. The project includes design seminars, university lectures, commercial displays and a nationally televised fashion show. 2019 will be the 9th annual celebration as we commemorate the 87th birthday of H.M. Queen Sirikit of Thailand.
The 9th Celebration of Silk will then be divided into 3 parts:
- Opening Ceremony Fashion Show, 16th of November 2019
- International Thai Silk Fashion Week, 18th to 22nd November 2019
- International Silk Exhibition, 18th to 22nd November 2019
What will be expected?
Besides fashion shows of Thai designers, international designers will get a chance to create his/her own collection (minimum of 12 and maximum of 15 pieces) of Thai Silk costumes to participate in the International Thai Silk Fashion week. Participants will be sent Thai silk to make their creations with.
Furthermore, the designer is requested to collaborate with his/her country’s Ambassador/spouse of Ambassador to design a unique creation in Thai silk to be modelled by the Ambassadors/spouses during the Grand Opening Fashion Show on the 16th of November.
The fashion designer needs to be able to show a portfolio and have prior experience with making a fashion collection. Please include resume and motivation. Interested Dutch designers can submit his/her portfolio to the Embassy (email [email protected]) by 20th June 2019. The Embassy will select a candidate by the 27th of June.
What will be offered
Round-trip economy ticket to Bangkok, 5-day accommodation, meals, local transportation and a honorarium of USD $1,000 will be provided to the participating designer”
Bron: Facebook pagina van de Nederlandse ambassade in Bangkok
Over deze blogger
Bekend als Khun Peter (62), woont afwisselend in Apeldoorn en Pattaya. Al 14 jaar een relatie met Kanchana. Nog niet gepensioneerd, heb een eigen bedrijf, iets met verzekeringen. Gek op dieren, vooral honden en muziek.
Genoeg hobby's, maar helaas weinig tijd: schrijven voor Thailandblog, fitness, gezondheid en voeding, schietsport, ouwehoeren met vrienden en nog wat eigenaardigheden.
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